The Mass and The Interior Life
- by Bernardo Vasconcelos, OSB
- Product Code: tmatil
- Availability: In Stock
This book is the second English edition of the book which was originally published in Portuguese in 1936. It is a profound reflection on the Traditional Latin Mass.
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"We must live the holy Mass. The holy Mass is the centre around which the whole liturgy revolves. And the liturgy is the primary and indispensable source of the true Christian spirit.
Consequently the Mass must be the centre of every perfect Christian life. This life is called interior in as much as it is hidden with Christ in God.
The Mass must therefore be the centre of all our interior life.
These pages, now collected in one small volume, have been written for the purpose of helping the faithful, ordinary souls, to attain one most important object: active participation in the holy Sacrifice of the Mass; so that, consciously and deliberately, they may offer the sacred Victim, offer themselves and be nourished by receiving the holy Eucharist. In a word: that they may live the blessed Eucharist, the sacrifice and the sacrament, in its entirety, and that by living it they may sanctify themselves more and more, for that is the will of God: Haec est voluntas Dei, sanctificatio vestra (I Thess. IV, 3).
In writing these pages, I have been inspired by a heartfelt desire to do something for the good of souls: to make the holy Mass better known and consequently more deeply loved and lived, for it is the centre of all our worship, the soul of our religion, the complete programme of our sanctity and a wonderful summary of dogma and morals. If I succeed in this I shall have co-operated in spreading the kingdom of God among men and disposed recognition of God’s rights over their lives." — From the Preface
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ISBN: 978-1-989905-36-4 | Paperback | $14.95 USD
ISBN: 978-1-989905-37-1 | Hardcover | $19.95 USD
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
118 pages

Bernardo Vaz Lobo Teixeira de Vasconcelos, born on July 7, 1902 at S. Romao de Corgo, Portugal, entered the Order of St. Benedict in 1924, made his profession on September 29, 1925, and received the minor orders on the 5th and 6th of January 1929. His greatest desire was to be ordained to the priesthood and offer the Holy Sacrifice. But this desire was never to see fulfilment. Instead, the young monk was to spend the last six years of his life constantly tortured by illness and great physical suffering. Several very painful operations left his body covered with wounds but could do little to alleviate the excruciating pain, which remained with him until his death on July 4, 1932. The Mass & The Interior Life (A Missa e a Vida Interior) was partly written and partly dictated in the middle of this unrespited agony. In 2016 he was declared a Servant of God.